Java Core and Advance Syllabus

Core Java: Duration (2 Months)

Total Chapters (12)

Fee: 5000

Advance Java: Duration (2 Months)

Total Chapters (15)

Fee: 8000

  1. The Java Language:
    1. Features of Java
    2. Java programming format
    3. Java Tokens
    4. Java Statements
    5. Java Data Types
    6. Typecasting
    7. Arrays
  2. OOPS:
    1. Introduction
    2. Class
    3. Object
    4. Static Keywords
    5. Constructors
    6. this Key Word
    7. Inheritance
    8. super Key Word
    9. Polymorphism (overloading and overriding)
    10. Abstraction
    11. Encapsulation
    12. Abstract Classes
    13. Interfaces
  3. String Manipulations:
    1. String
    2. String Buffer
    3. String Tokenizer
  4. Packages:
    1. Introduction to predefined packages (java.lang, java.util,, java.sql, java.swing)
    2. User Defined Packages
    3. Access specifiers
  5. Exception Handling:
    1. Introduction
    2. Pre-Defined Exceptions
    3. Try-Catch-Finally
    4. Throws
    5. Throw
    6. User Defined Exception examples
  6. Multithreading:
    1. Thread Creations
    2. Thread Life Cycle
    3. Life Cycle Methods
    4. Synchronization
    5. Wait() notify() notify all()
  7. I/O Streams:
    1. Introduction
    2. Byte-oriented streams
    3. Character- oriented streams
    4. File
    5. Random access File
    6. Serialization
  8. Networking:
    1. Introduction
    2. Socket
    3. Server socket
    4. Client –Server Communication
  9. Wrapper Classes:
    1. Introduction
    2. Byte
    3. Short
    4. Integer
    5. Long
    6. Float
    7. Double
    8. Character
    9. Boolean classes
  10. Collection Framework:
    1. Introduction
    2. util Package interfaces
    3. List
    4. Set
    5. Map
    6. List interface & its classes
    7. Set interface & its classes
    8. Map interface & its classes
  11. Inner Classes:
    1. Introduction
    2. Member inner class
    3. Static inner class
    4. Local inner class
    5. Anonymous inner class
  12. AWT:
    1. Introduction
    2. Components
    3. Event-Delegation-Model
    4. Listeners
    5. Layouts
    6. Individual components Label
    7. Button
    8. CheckBox
    9. Radio Button
    10. Choice
    11. List
    12. Menu
    13. Text Field
    14. Text Area
  1. Introduction of JDBC
    1. API
    2. Type of JDBC Driver
    3. Introduction of Oracle Database
    4. PL/SQL Command Intro
  2. JDBC – SQL Syntax:
    1. JDBC – Connections
    2. JDBC – Statements
    3. JDBC – Result Sets
    4. JDBC – Data Types
    5. JDBC – Transactions
    6. JDBC – Exceptions
    7. JDBC – Batch Processing
    8. JDBC – Stored Procedure
    9. JDBC – Streaming Data
  3. JDBC Programming
    1. Connection Pooling
    2. JDBC Programming with ORACLE, MYSQL, SQL Server
  4. JDBC Examples
    1. JDBC – Create Database
    2. JDBC – Select Database
    3. JDBC – Drop Database
    4. JDBC – Create Tables
    5. JDBC – Drop Tables
    6. JDBC – Insert Records
    7. JDBC – Select Records
    8. JDBC – Update Records
    9. JDBC – Delete Records
    10. JDBC – WHERE Clause
    11. JDBC – Like Clause
    12. JDBC – Sorting Data
  5. Introduction to J2EE
    1. J2EE Overview
    2. Why J2EE?
    3. J2EE Architecture
  6. JSP Introduction
    1. Web-Tech Intro
    2. http protocol
    3. Apache tomcat web server
    4. Introduction of JSP as Middleware Technology
    5. JSP Architecture
    6. Demo: execution of JSP program
  7. Client –Side Programming
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. Java SCRIPT
    4. Demo in Deamweaver for designing part
    5. Demo on NetBean
  8. Installation , features and programs
    1. Installation of jdk
    2. Apache-tomcat
    3. Netbean
    4. Setting Environmental variable
    5. Installation of DreamWeaver
    6. Installation of MySql
  9. Components of JSP
    1. Form processing in JSP
    2. JSP Directive
    3. JSP Scripting
    4. JSP Implicit objects
    5. Standard Actions
  10. JSP Directive
    1. Page
    2. Include
    3. Taglib
  11. JSP Scripting
    1. Scriptlet
    2. Declaration
    3. Expression
  12. JSP Implicit Object
    1. Request
    2. Response
    3. Session
    4. Out
    5. Application
    6. Page context
  13. JSP Action Element
    1. <jsp:include>
    2. <jsp:forward>
    3. <jsp:plugin>
    4. <jsp:param>
    5. <jsp:useBeans>
    6. <jsp:setAttribute>
    7. <jsp:getBeans>
  14. JSP Session Handling
    1. Http Session
    2. JSP Cookie
    3. URL Rewriting
  15. JSP Custom Tag
    1. Creating own custom Tag
    2. JSTL(java Standard Tag Library)
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