Syllabus: Python Data Science
Total Chapters: Ten (10) Duration – 90 Days
Fees: 15000 INR
- Introduction
- Overview of the data science.
- Machine learning and deep learning
- Introduction to the data science process
- Value, scope, and carrier options in data science
- Background
- Python basics
- Jupyter and Numpy
- Jupyter notebooks
- numpy for data analysis.
- numpy useful functions for processing data
- Data structures
- Pandas
- Pandas
- Data frames for critical data analysis
- Functionality and features.
- Visualization
- Datasets
- Visualize your data to gain an understanding
- Conclusions about the data
- Visualizations to present your results
- Mini Project
- With the tools: Jupyter Notebooks, numpy, pandas, and Visualization
- Do sophisticated analysis: Pick a dataset and perform an analysis
- Machine Learning:
- Basics of machine learning
- Use of sci-kit learn for machine learning
Option 1:
- Working with Text and Databases:
- Working with text data or data from databases.
- Text data analysis
- Natural Language Processing
- Natural Language Processing Toolkit (NLTK) library.
- Text processing using deep learning
- Final Project
These weeks let you showcase all your skills in an end-to-end data analysis project. You’ll pick the dataset, do the data munging, ask the research questions, visualize the data, draw conclusions, and present your results.
Option 2:
- Working with Images:
- Working with image data
- Basics of image processing
- Image preprocessing and feature extraction
- Image processing using machine learning
- Image processing using deep learning
- Final Project:
These weeks let you showcase all your new skills in an end-to-end data analysis project. You’ll pick the dataset, do the data munging, ask the research questions, visualize the data, draw conclusions, and present your results.